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  • September 05, 2024 7:00 PM | Rick Dayan (Administrator)

    Your Photos, Your Story: Google Photos Made Simple

    Chris and Jim Guld are THE Geeks on Tour. They’ve both been in the technology training and support field since the early 80s - they are Geeks who Teach! The “on tour” part is because they travel. They lived fulltime in an RV, traveling the US for 14 years and presenting seminars to RV rallies, now they travel the world and scuba dive. Their YouTube channel has over 13,000 subscribers. Chris is a Google Photos product expert (Diamond level) and she wrote the book “Learn Google Photos.” They’ve been devoted scuba-diving members of USA Dive Club since the early 90s. To learn more about these Geeks on Tour, just visit their website at

    Today, they will be presenting a HodgePodge of Google Photos and Smartphone Photography Tips. Starting with an introduction to Google Photos and how it allows you to keep your entire lifetime of photos and find anything with simple searches. Tips about sharing photos like Julie Manhold has done on the USADiveClub website. Tips about making photos look better with simple yet powerful editing tools, including Magic Eraser, Magic Editor, and fixing those green or blue-hued underwater photos with one click of the special Dive+ App. Jim will also show how he takes underwater photos with his smartphone and a $230 underwater housing. Please welcome Jim and Chris - The Geeks on Tour.

  • August 01, 2024 7:00 PM | Rick Dayan (Administrator)

    Photography Ambassador Marty Snyderman is going to show you the best way to visit the underwater paradise of the Philippines as he shares some of what you will experience during a trip to land-based Atlantis resorts in Dumaguete and Puerto Galera and on the liveaboard Azores. Gain insights into what to do to maximize your encounters with the amazing diversity of marine creatures inhabiting ecosystems that range from muck sites to stunning walls where excellent visibility, colorful fishes, turtles, and more awaits.

    Marty was honored with the 2018 NOGI Award in the Arts by the Underwater Academy of Arts and Sciences, an EMMY Award for cinematography, a Reaching Out Award in 2008 as a photographer presented by the Diving Equipment and Marketing Association (DEMA), and the California Scuba Service Award in 2020, Marty Snyderman is a widely published still photographer, author, and teacher who has worked to conserve and share the magic of the undersea world for more than four decades.

    Marty serves as the Photography Ambassador for the Philippines based Atlantis Dive Resorts and Liveaboards. He is also an Ikelite Ambassador. For many years, Marty was the Marine Life Editor of Dive Training Magazine and he serves as the Marine Life/Photography Editor of California Diving News.

    His still photography has been used by many major diving and wildlife publications, natural history museums, and aquaria. Representing Nikon Inc., Sea & Sea USA, and through his own courses, Marty taught underwater
    photography in person and offered instruction as a magazine columnist for more than four decades. 

  • June 06, 2024 7:00 PM | Rick Dayan (Administrator)

    Often, when I look at shark photography on social media, in magazines, or at many presentations, I have noticed that although the photos are of interesting sharks, and technically excellent, they lack sizzle – the wow factor! Why is that? Most underwater photographers are so caught up in the capture, that they forget about creating a story or an imaginative and artsy photograph, and just photograph the standard side view portrait. Granted, many underwater photographers have taken a huge step out of their comfort zone, just to dive with and photograph sharks. I will be discussing the next step(s) and will explain how I plan, set up, design, and photograph sharks in the wild.

    Gary's pictures are found at

    Gary Rose MD has been a certified diver for over 45 years and is a PADI OpenWater Instructor. As a Plastic Surgeon and former Associate Professor of Microbiology and Surgery at the College of Medicine at Florida Atlantic University, he has fulfilled his life passion as a marine biologist with his research on marine microorganisms, as well as large ocean apex predators.  Dr. Rose lectures all over the world on “Shark Identification and Behavior” and gives seminars on “Updates On Diving Medicine”. An avid underwater photographer, his articles appear in Alert Diver and X-RAY magazines.   Dr. Rose is a member of the Divers Alert Network and The Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society. You can find him on weekends diving our local waters and photographing our plentiful and diverse sharks. You can reach him at

  • May 02, 2024 7:00 PM | Rick Dayan (Administrator)

    Note: Carole will be joining us for dinner at 6 p.m. in the Aloft Hotel lobby. Carole spoke to us in March of 2023, please plan to attend to welcome Carole back.

    Carole Marshall has been collecting shells since she was a young girl. Digging in the mud on the Rock River in Newville, Wisconsin she found snails she now knows are Viviperous georgiana. Her mother introduced her to sea shells after a stay on Fort Myers Beach and though it was not quite love at first sight, it became so, when she found her first shell on the beach. A baby’s ear, lying on the sand. Carole thought her mom had put it there for her to find.

    Her quest for knowledge came with a share day at a club meeting in Schaumburg, Illinois. A lady who was a guest at the meeting asked if she knew of the Chicago Shell Club. Her surprised response was “There are clubs for people who collect shells?!!! That was in 1965 and her mom, dad and she all joined that club.

    After planning a move to the West Palm Beach area in 1970, Carole wrote a fond goodbye to her Chicago friends and hoped there would be a shell club in Florida.

    Within a few weeks, a note came from the Palm Beach County Shell Club letting her know they were there and looking forward to her becoming a member.

    Carole would later become President of that club as well as President of two other shell clubs, the Broward Shell Club and the Treasure Coast Shell Club. Two special highlights of shell club participation and service was when she became an honorary member of the Broward Shell Club and when she was a recipient of the Neptunea award from the Conchologists of America in May of 2022.

    Her main passion is Worldwide Scallops, having won many awards with her exhibits. Her second passion is collecting money both paper and coins, as well as exonumia, with shells depicted.

    Mollusks have been used by man since the beginning of time. This program will explore a few of the ways mollusks are being used.

    For the last 15 years, Carole has been writing a book about the seashells of the Lake Worth Lagoon. She complains the scientists keep moving the bar: changing names, genus and species, sometimes families and resurrecting old names and synonymizing others. She really hopes to finish this this year.

  • March 08, 2024 11:55 PM | Rick Dayan (Administrator)

    Mike Sipos is a Florida Sea Grant Agent for University of Florida IFAS Extension office in Collier County and a native to Southwest Florida. Michael received his BS in Zoology and MS in Fisheries Aquatic Sciences from the University of Florida. Mike’s previous experience includes being a university fisheries biologist and working with aquaculture operations from FL to around the world. In his current position, Mike educates stakeholders to support his programmatic areas of sustainable fisheries, environmental literacy and stewardship.

    Grouper have a special place in Floridian’s hearts whether they appear on a dinner plate, on the end of a fishing line or spotted while diving cruising around a reef. Come to this seminar to learn more about the diverse Serranidae fish family, characteristics genera found in Florida, the significance grouper species to our state and a special aside on the largest of the Atlantic grouper species; the Goliath. We will also discuss the Great Goliath Grouper County Citizen Science Program where volunteer divers can help natural resource managers record the presence, abundance, and size distribution of these impressive fish annually during the first two weeks of June.

  • March 07, 2024 12:26 AM | Rick Dayan (Administrator)

    Dr. Antoniou began his shark conservation path in 1994 as the Director of Field Operations for the Shark Research Institute based in Princeton New Jersey. He was the first to tag whale sharks in the Caribbean with satellite transmitters, tracking the sharks thousands of miles and to great depths of the Gulf of Mexico. He is currently working as the volunteer CEO for Fins Attached, which he founded in 2010. He has had a passion for shark research and conservation for over 30 years.

    Dr. Antoniou, in his pursuit to protect sharks and has traveled to places such as Honduras  and Baja California, the Galapagos, Costa Rica, Malpelo Island, Guadalupe Island and the Revillagegdo Islands to research sharks and convince their governments to protect sharks. After reviewing data provided, the Honduran government decreed the whale shark a protected species their territorial waters with severe penalties for violators.Passage of this law made Honduras the first nation in the Caribbean to protect whale sharks. Alex was featured in a Discovery Channel documentary called ‘Future Shark’ for his work in Honduras.

    Fins Attached has also been involved in advocacy work. In March of 2017 a position statement was submitted to NOAA Fisheries to lobby for the Oceanic Whitetip shark to be placed on the US Endangered Species list, which ultimately occurred.

    Perhaps Alex’s greatest achievement was the 2017 acquisition of a 134-foot, long range research expedition vessel, to be able to expand the mission of Fins Attached. He did this by reaching out to colleagues and friends, who cared as much about sharks in the marine environment, to invest in this noble cause, to get the project moving, and to accelerate the effort to save sharks, the marine environment, and us. The vessel was acquired in April of 2017. At a dedication in Fort Lauderdale, Florida in July of 2017, the Senshu Maru was renamed to “Sharkwater,” in honor of the work started by the late Rob Stewart, the producer of the original Sharkwater documentary.

    Over the past 28 plus years, Dr. Antoniou has established strong partnerships with scientists around the world. In recognition for his dedication towards shark conservation, Alex was awarded the 2017 “Shark Guardian of the Year” award from the Shark Project of Germany. An international award that is voted on by researchers and organizations from around the world. The equation is simple, Save Sharks + Save our Oceans = Save Us.

    In 2022, Dr. Antoniou spearheaded the creation of an ocean coalition called, One Ocean Worldwide Coalition, comprising of Fins Attached, The Rob Stewart Sharkwater Foundation, For the Oceans Foundation and United Conservationists.

    Public awareness is key to the conservation mission. In 2022 Alex attended CITES and helped lobby for the inclusion of 60 additional shark and ray species on Appendix II. He also rallied the public to lobby the USA government to pass the Shark Fins Sales Elimination Act, which was signed into law in December 2022.

    Dr. Antoniou's full Biography: Alex Antoniou bio 2024.pdf

  • February 01, 2024 7:00 PM | Rick Dayan (Administrator)

    Little is known about the long-term effects of environmental changes on coastal dolphin populations. This question is significant in the light of coastal marine habitat loss, pollution, and climate change. During this presentation, we will explore the home range, social structure, habitat use, and diet of a resident population of bottlenose dolphins in Biscayne Bay, a heavily impacted waterway that has experienced significant habitat degradation over the past decades.

    Jessica Carde's academic background includes a Bachelor’s in Biology, a Bachelor’s in Psychology, and a Master’s in Marine Conservation & Policy from Stony Brook University, and a Doctorate in Marine Ecology from Florida International University. Her dissertation research focused on coastal dolphin behavior and ecology in response to anthropogenic threats and climate change. In collaboration with The NOAA Southeast Fisheries Science Center, her project investigated the impacts of disturbances and environmental changes on the habitat use, behavior and distribution of resident bottlenose dolphins within Biscayne Bay. Jessica is continuing her research through FIU to further elucidate the behaviors and habitat use of this population and assess exposure to other potential risks, such as boating activity, contaminants, and noise pollution.


  • January 04, 2024 7:00 PM | Rick Dayan (Administrator)

    Mike Sipos is a Florida Sea Grant Agent for University of Florida IFAS Extension office in Collier County and a native to Southwest Florida. Michael received his BS in Zoology and MS in Fisheries Aquatic Sciences from the University of Florida. Mike’s previous experience includes being a university fisheries biologist and working with aquaculture operations from FL to around the world. In his current position, Mike educates stakeholders to support his programmatic areas of sustainable fisheries, environmental literacy and stewardship.

    Invasive, alien, exotic, nonnative? What do they all mean? Come to this seminar to learn the correct terminology used when speaking about invasive organisms, the process of invasion, why Florida is so special and what kind of
    environmental and economic damage invasive organisms create. The talk will also have a few species profiles of commonly encountered coastal invaders of the scaled variety with steps you can take to make a difference!

  • October 11, 2023 12:30 PM | Rick Dayan (Administrator)

    Underwater Explorer Jimmy Gadomski from History Channel’s Bermuda Triangle: Into Cursed Waters joins us to talk about recent exploration dives coming up on Season 2 and past expeditions that have led to many different shipwreck discoveries.  Jimmy is an experienced technical dive instructor and captain based in South Florida and involved in many different projects along the east coast US and the Caribbean.  Documenting and capturing history is the main focus of work through photography and cinematography and he will show how photogrammetry is assisting in the discoveries and how this is a useful tool in the industry.

    Into Cursed Waters is a History Channel show that focuses on shipwreck discoveries following dive expeditions of Jimmy Gadomski and Mike Barnette with technical diving depths of up to 500' and Submarine/ROV diving of depths to 1000'+.  Last year the team discovered a piece of the Challenger Spacecraft tragedy of Jan 28, 1986 while searching for the PBM Martin Mariner which went missing in the Bermuda Triangle searching for the mysterious disappearance of Flight 19.

    The Pulaski Steamship is also a Historical shipwreck that has been identified by a candlestick holder with the engraving “Pulaski” on it which Jimmy pulled from the wreckage in 2017, and since then many gold & silver coins as well as artifacts have come off the wreck which is still being worked to this day.

    From treasure finds, to exploration and discoveries, to deep technical diving, this will be an exciting talk, maybe even with some new discoveries from the most recent   expeditions!

  • September 08, 2023 2:22 PM | Rick Dayan (Administrator)

    Maria Harvey will be speaking about her research on whale sharks in Hawai'i through her organization Hawai'i Uncharted Research Collective (HURC). HURC was originally formed in 2017 as a citizen science effort to gain valuable insight in the movements of whale sharks seen in the state. Through their current research projects they aim to aid in local and global conservation efforts for an elusive endangered species. Come learn about their research, local threats, and their ongoing projects. Learn more now at:

         Photo by Jim Ward

                 Photo by Deron Verbeck  


    Photo by Ash Wilhem


                                                                Photo by Jordan Lerma

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