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president's waves

  • July 27, 2022 7:31 PM | Chris Hardham (Administrator)

    I hope this newsletter finds everybody doing well and enjoying the summer. If you are here in South Florida, I hope you are enjoying as much diving as you want.

    It sounds like our members that went to Cayman had a great trip, I look forward to reading the trip report. The photos I have seen so far looks like everybody saw and captures some great sights.

    We didn’t have a membership meeting in July, so we look forward to seeing everybody in the upcoming August meeting. We still need volunteers to help run the club. With Alan traveling more, we need someone to help with the social duties like monthly outings and the lobster Pot at our meetings. Please consider joining the Board and helping with our Social Program. Also, if you have items you would like to donate for the Lobster Pot, any donations would be appreciated.

    Happy diving,

    Chris Hardham


  • June 27, 2022 8:57 PM | Chris Hardham (Administrator)

    Summer is officially here; hope you enjoyed the Summer Solstice on June 21. The water feels great and the club has many options for local diving. The club has local dives scheduled for July 9th and July 23rd.

    Our meetings at the Marriott have continued to be successful. If you are in the area, we would enjoy your company at the next meeting. We don’t have a July meeting so please consider the August meeting to join your friends and have a good evening.

    We planned to restart the Lobster Pot, but with Alan’s wife Dawn has retired, so they are planning to travel more. Please consider joining the Board and helping with our Social Program. Also, if you have items you would like to donate for the Lobster Pot, any donations would be appreciated.

    Happy diving,

    Chris Hardham


  • May 24, 2022 9:15 PM | Chris Hardham (Administrator)

    Welcome to June,

    Summer is almost officially here and the water temps are reaching over 80, so it is time to get some local dives booked.

    Our second meeting back at the Marriott was a success, we had a good turnout at the meeting. Special thank you to all the members that came to the meeting. Based on the attendance, we would like to start up the Lobster Pot again. Please come out and socialize with other members. If you plan to eat at the Bistro, please place your orders early, they were overwhelmed with our members last month.

    Because we are now returning to the Courtyard and in-person meetings, I need to ask for help for the Board with our open positions. If you are interested in serving on the board, please contact me.

    • AV Coordinator
    • Promotions Coordinator
    • Mini Trip Coordinator

    Also, if you have items you would like to donate for the Lobster Pot, they would be appreciated and as soon as we have a Promotions Coordinator we will coordinate to get these items from you.

    Happy diving,

    Chris Hardham


  • April 26, 2022 7:08 PM | Chris Hardham (Administrator)

    Welcome to May,

    Our Overseas team had another challenge with Soloman not opening up in time for our trip. Nils has been busy this spring overcoming travel challenges. I hope everyone appreciates all the hard work and experience that Nils puts in and shares with us. Special thank you to Nils.

    Our first meeting back at the Marriott was a success, we had 16 members at the meeting. This is our largest in person attendance since COVID excluding the holiday party. Special thank you to all the members that came to the meeting. Based on the attendance, we will be starting up the Lobster Pot again. Please come out and socialize with other members. If you plan to eat at the Bistro, please place your orders early, they were overwhelmed with our members last month.

    Because we are now returning to the Courtyard and in-person meetings, I need to ask for help for the Board with our open positions. If you are interested in serving on the board, please contact me.

    • AV Coordinator
    • Promotions Coordinator
    • Mini Trip Coordinator

    Also, if you have items you would like to donate for the Lobster Pot, they would be appreciated and as soon as we have a Promotions Coordinator we will coordinate to get these items from you.

    Happy diving,

    Chris Hardham

  • March 24, 2022 7:34 PM | Chris Hardham (Administrator)

    Welcome my friends,

    So last month our Overseas Travel team had the challenge from the change from the liveaboard to a land-based resort. I would like to congratulate the team for finding a very good trip for our members. This really highlights the experience and knowledge of our VP of Overseas Diving. Thank you Nils for all you do for the club.

    Another change that was undertaken this past month is the change in our meeting location. The Board voted to look at options to the Hampton Inn, while our first choice didn’t work out do to some functional requirements of the facility, Ronnie was able to get us back into the Marriott Courtyard on Cypress Creek. This is a very nice surprise to be able to return to the Courtyard.

    Because we are now returning to the Courtyard and in-person meetings, I need to ask for help for the Board with our open positions. If you are interested in serving on the board, please contact me.

    • AV Coordinator
    • Promotions Coordinator
    • Mini Trip Coordinator

    Also, if you have items you would like to donate for the Lobster Pot, they would be appreciated and as soon as we have a Promotions Coordinator we will coordinate to get these items from you.

    Happy diving,

    Chris Hardham

  • February 28, 2022 9:05 PM | Chris Hardham (Administrator)

    Welcome my friends,

    This month has seen some challenges to our Overseas Travel, but the good leadership by Nils has provided great options to protect and benefit our members. While these events have been challenging, the resolutions show how our club is strong and provides quality services to our members. Our club depends on volunteers, please support those volunteers that are running the club and if you desire to join us, please reach out.

    The Board has 3 open positions, so if you are interested in serving on the board, please contact me.

    • AV Coordinator
    • Promotions Coordinator
    • Mini Trip Coordinator

    As avid divers, we need to protect our hobby and the marine life that makes our hobby so spectacular. Rule making to open the Goliath Grouper harvest will be voted upon by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission at the FWC meeting scheduled for March 2 and 3, 2022. Please participate if you can.

    If you would like to view free Zoom tutorials, you can find them here. Or you can take a free Zoom class from Geeks On Tour here.

    Happy diving,

    Chris Hardham


  • January 25, 2022 9:21 PM | Chris Hardham (Administrator)

    The year is off and running. It is hard to believe it is February already. The Board had the first meeting and confirmed the previous appointed board members to serve another year to provide the club the same great service as last year. We have 3 open positions, so if you are interested in serving on the board, please contact me.

    • AV Coordinator
    • Promotions Coordinator
    • Mini Trip Coordinator

    Our February speaker will be live at the Hampton Inn. If you are comfortable with attending live, please come out to support our speakers and the great job Rick Dayan has done in finding them.

    As avid divers, we need to protect our hobby and the marine life that makes our hobby so spectacular. Rule making to open the Goliath Grouper harvest will be voted upon by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission at the FWC meeting scheduled for March 2 and 3, 2022. Please participate if you can.

    If you would like to view free Zoom tutorials, you can find them here. Or you can take a free Zoom class from Geeks On Tour here.

    Don't forget to keep checking our Facebook page for the interesting articles Russ is posting.

    Happy diving,

    Chris Hardham


  • December 26, 2021 8:13 PM | Chris Hardham (Administrator)

    Happy New Year! I hope everybody had a safe and festive Christmas and New Year’s with family and friends.

    First off, I would like to thank everybody for confirming our elected officer this year. The election was quite different from previous years as we performed our election online and there wasn’t any opposition. The following is the list of our elected officers.


    Current Officer 



    Chris Hardham


    VP of Overseas Diving

    Nils Jacobson


    VP of Local Diving

    Ryan Goheen


    VP of Programs

    Rick Dayan


    VP of Social Events

    Alan Feuerman



    Amy Wellman



    Ronnie Farr


    We will select the appointed Board Positions at our January Board Meeting on the 11th. If you wish to be considered for a position, please email me at

    Our January and February speakers will be live at the Hampton, so if you are comfortable with attending live, please come out and support our speakers. Rick Dayan has been getting us really good speakers and this Month’s speaker doesn’t appear to be any different.

    If you would like to view free Zoom tutorials, you can find them here. Or you can take a free Zoom class from Geeks On Tour here.

    Don't forget to keep checking our Facebook page for the interesting articles Russ is posting.

    Happy diving,

    Chris Hardham

  • November 29, 2021 11:28 AM | Chris Hardham (Administrator)

    Happy December! I hope everybody enjoyed their Thanksgiving with family and friends. Our connections are what is important in life.

    I was able to attend DEMA this year with Nils and met many of the vendors that we have traveled with in the past and some that we are considering to travel with in the future. All of these vendors have great memories of our past trips or have heard of us and want to do business with us. This speaks volumes about our members and the great work Nils has done over the years. I am looking forward to the great travel opportunities we are able to share as a club in the coming years and look forward to being more involved to help with some of these trips.

    For all of the members that are vaccinated and comfortable with live meetings, we would enjoy your company.

    It is that time of year again already, we have Board Elections upcoming and need your assistance in continuing our great club. The following are the current officers and they have agreed to serve for the next year.

    Office Current Officer  2022 
    President Chris Hardham Yes
    VP of Overseas Diving Nils Jacobson Yes
    VP of Local Diving Ryan Goheen Yes
    VP of Programs Rick Dayan Yes
    VP of Social Events Alan Feuerman Yes
    Secretary Amy Wellman Yes
    Treasurer Ronnie Farr Yes

    Please be aware that nominations are closed for this year's election.

    • The online election will be opened December 2 at 7:00 PM
    • The online election will be closed on December 9 at 7:00 PM

    If you would like to view free Zoom tutorials, you can find them here. Or you can take a free Zoom class from Geeks On Tour here.

    Don't forget to keep checking our Facebook page for the interesting articles Russ is posting.

    Happy diving,

    Chris Hardham

  • October 27, 2021 8:33 PM | Chris Hardham (Administrator)

    Happy November, Fall is here and hurricane season is over. Hope everybody is enjoying some diving while the water temperatures are still very comfortable. The club has a lot of local diving going on, so plenty of opportunities to see our friends and share a good dive.

    Unfortunately FWC voted to allow limited harvesting of Goliath groupers, this is a sad thought for me and I am sure most of our membership. They are such beautiful giants. I go busy and didn't do any Goliath dives this year.

    I will be going to DEMA with Nils this year to look for a trip opportunity for next fall for the club and my first DEMA experience. I am looking forward to it.

    For all of the members that are vaccinated and comfortable with live meetings, we would enjoy your company. Especially for our live presenters like this month with Rob Myers.

    It is that time of year again already, we have Board Elections upcoming and need your assistance in continuing our great club. The following are the current officers and they have agreed to serve for the next year.

    Office Current Officer  2022 
    President Chris Hardham Yes
    VP of Overseas Diving Nils Jacobson Yes
    VP of Local Diving Ryan Goheen Yes
    VP of Programs Rick Dayan Yes
    VP of Social Events Alan Feuerman Yes
    Secretary Amy Wellman Yes
    Treasurer Ronnie Farr Yes

    Please be aware that any member meeting the qualifications can be nominated at any of our membership meetings prior to the election.

    If you would like to view free Zoom tutorials, you can find them here. Or you can take a free Zoom class from Geeks On Tour here.

    Don't forget to keep checking our Facebook page for the interesting articles Russ is posting.

    Happy diving,

    Chris Hardham

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