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November President's Waves

October 26, 2022 9:00 PM | Chris Hardham (Administrator)

Welcome to November,

Our membership meeting last month set a record for the most attendees live since Covid. With a combination of our speaker Dr Gary Rose and members in town for the Saba trip, we had a total of 25 people in the room. We hope that this is a sign that members are willing to come out and enjoy our friends and some great speakers that Rick has been lining up. Please come out to our next meeting.

It is that time of year for our annual election. The Board of Directors is proposing the following list of officers for 2023.

  • President - Chris Hardham
  • VP of Programs - Rick Dayan
  • VP Overseas - Nils Jacobsen
  • VP of Social Events - Open
  • VP of Local Diving - Ryan Goheen
  • Secretary - Amy Welman
  • Treasurer - Ronnie Farr

The election will be held in December in accordance with our bylaws. If you don’t want to vote online, you are always welcome to attend the Christmas Party and we will help you vote. The one week of voting will commence with the meeting and close a week later in compliance with the bylaws.

To attend a USA function, members must have a valid COVID-19 vaccination as defined by the CDC.

We still need volunteers to help run the club. We need a VP of Social to fulfill duties like monthly outings. We also need someone to volunteer for the Promotions position to run the Lobster pot at our meetings. Please consider joining the Board. Also, if you would like to donate for the Lobster Pot, any donations would be appreciated.

Happy diving,
Chris Hardham


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