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Hospitality hut blog

  • May 17, 2023 9:38 PM | Clare Florio Anthon (Administrator)

    Greetings From The Hospitality Hut,

    It was such a pleasure to see 32 members and guests attend the May general meeting.

    Our VP of Programs, Rick, treated us to a delightful speaker and we all learned a great deal about the octopus.

    I am happy to report 2 first-time guests attended the May general meeting.

    First Tom Di Vincent, guest of Barbara G. was introduced. Tom stated he has been diving since 1974 but has been out of the water for the last 10 years. He likes to hunt for lobster, sightsee and drift dive on walls.  Thank you Tom for your interest in our club.

    Gino Redfield joined us during the presentation and I was unable to introduce him to the group.  Gino, friend of Lureen F. was certified in 1990 and has had 1 dive.  I think we can change that!  Hope to see Gino at future meetings.

    I encourage you to visit our home page  Please click on the calendar and keep up to date on all the diving and non-diving scheduled activities. You may also take a look at the photo gallery and take a peek at past events.

    I wish you all Happy Diving

    Clare Anthon
    Hospitality Coordinator

  • April 18, 2023 7:02 PM | Clare Florio Anthon (Administrator)

    Greetings From The Hospitality Hut,

    A huge thank you to Julie M for filling in for me at the April general meeting.

    It's graduation time and my calendar is filled with exciting events involving my twin granddaughters.

    Julie introduced one first-time guest.  Matthew Williams was brought to us by member Ellen Reinhart. Matthew was certified in 2004 and has logged an amazing 3000 dives.  Certified in Syracuse NY,  Matt is a Dive Master and enjoys drift diving, sightseeing and diving wrecks.  Be sure to say hello and introduce yourself to guests.

    I encourage you to visit our home page  Please click on the calendar and keep up to date on all the diving and non-diving scheduled activities. You may also take a look at the photo gallery and take a peek at past events.

    I wish you all Happy Diving.
    Clare Anthon
    Hospitality Coordinator

  • March 16, 2023 10:20 AM | Clare Florio Anthon (Administrator)

    Greetings From The Hospitality Hut,

    We had a great turnout at the March general meeting. Unfortunately I have no guests to report.

    Please remember to tell your friends about our wonderful club. Remember, guests are always welcome to attend club meetings.

    Our new meeting place has a varied, early bird, menu for a  bite to eat and socialize with friends. Cocktails are also available. Come and join us!

    I encourage you to visit our home page  Please click on the calendar and keep up to date on all the diving and non-diving scheduled activities. You may also take a look at the photo gallery and take a peek at past events.

    I wish you all Happy Diving.

    Clare Anthon

    Hospitality Coordinator

  • February 21, 2023 6:15 PM | Clare Florio Anthon (Administrator)

    Greetings From The Hospitality Hut,

    It was wonderful to see so many members attend the February general meeting.

    I am happy to report we had 3 guests in attendance, 2 in the room and 1 on ZOOM.

    Guest Jan Garvey is not a stranger to the USA Dive Club.  As a guest,  Jan has been on several overseas trips.  Jan decided to take the plunge and is now a certified diver. In addition,  she has applied for membership. Welcome Aboard!

    Joan Burres attended her first meeting.  She is friends with Roy H. and Mary Kay W.  Joan has been diving since 1987 with 20 logged dives.  With some encouragement, we can get her back in the water.

    The ZOOM meeting brought us "Sean" from Pennsylvania. Sean likes to dive anywhere and everywhere he can.  

    It is always a pleasure to introduce guests to the members.  Remember, guests are potential members.  Please continue to spread the word to your friends and tell them some fun facts about our club.

    I encourage you to visit our home page  Please click on the calendar and keep up to date on all the diving and non-diving scheduled activities. You may also take a look at the photo gallery and take a peek at past events.

    I wish you all Happy Diving.

    Clare Anthon

    Hospitality Coordinator

  • January 22, 2023 4:01 PM | Clare Florio Anthon (Administrator)

    Greetings From The Hospitality Hut,

    We had a very nice turnout at our new location in Delray Beach.  Please consider joining us for the February meeting.  

    I am happy to report 2 first-time guests attended the January meeting.  One in the room and one on ZOOM.

    Danielle Marchante found us while driving on the Loggerhead.  Local Diving was aboard and told Danielle about our club.  She was certified in
    Boca Raton in 2003 and has logged 7500 dives, wow!  Danielle has submitted her membership application and paid her dues.  Welcome aboard!

    Michael Wiener joined us on ZOOM.  He found us during an internet search for dive clubs.  Michael was certified in Pennsylvania in 2005 and has logged 50 dives.  

    I encourage you to visit our home page  Please click on the calendar and keep up to date on all the diving and non-diving scheduled activities. You may also take a look at the photo gallery and take a peek at past events.

    I wish you all Happy Diving.

    Clare Anthon

    Hospitality Coordinator

  • December 19, 2022 7:16 PM | Clare Florio Anthon (Administrator)

    HAPPY NEW YEAR 2023 

    Greetings From The Hospitality Hut,

    "The Hut" hopes you had a very happy holiday season and are ready to see what the New Year has waiting for us.

    I am happy to report two perspective guests to ring in the New Year. Let's try and get the word out about our dive club.

    If all goes well, and I know it will,  we can all look forward to a new beautiful venue for our monthly meetings.  Its' challenging to find a meeting room to satisfy everyone, so please do your best to support all the effort and work that goes into a very labor intensive task.

    I encourage you to visit our home page  Please click on the calendar and keep up to date on all the diving and non-diving scheduled activities. You may also take a look at the photo gallery and take a peek at past events.

    I wish you all Happy Diving.
    Clare Anthon
    Hospitality Coordinator

  • November 22, 2022 11:18 AM | Clare Florio Anthon (Administrator)


    The Hospitality Hut Wishes You Happy Holidays And Happy New Year!

    Another year has come and gone, a year full of great dive trips and local dives.

    We have been able to resume our in person meetings and thanks to a great VP of Programs, we have had wonderful presenters each month.

    I wish you all the best in the coming year.  Hopefully our attendance will continue to improve and guests will return as well.

    I encourage you to visit our home page  Please click on the calendar and keep up to date on all the diving and non-diving scheduled activities. You may also take a look at the photo gallery and take a peek at past events.

    I wish you all Happy Diving.
    Clare Anthon
    Hospitality Coordinator


  • October 22, 2022 4:36 PM | Clare Florio Anthon (Administrator)

    Gobble, Gobble From The Hospitality Hut,

    Here we go again!!  Happy Thanksgiving to all my fellow club members and friends. 

    Where has another year gone?  Well I know, we have gone to Fiji, Grand Cayman and Saba.  A good number of us were lucky enough to journey to Canada and Alaska.  It has been a great travel year.

    The October meeting was a great success thanks to Rick D, our Programs VP, for having Gary "The Shark Man" Rose as the presenter. Approximately 20 USA'ers attended the meeting in person.  Lets' keep it up.

    I encourage you to visit our home page  Please click on the calendar and keep up to date on all the diving and non-diving scheduled activities. You may also take a look at the photo gallery and take a peek at past events.

    I wish you all Happy Diving.

    Clare Anthon

    Hospitality Coordinator

  • September 20, 2022 10:34 AM | Clare Florio Anthon (Administrator)

    Greeting From The Hospitality Hut,

    Now that October is here, the holidays are right around the corner.  We will soon be filling our calendars with special events.  

    The Club has announced the Christmas-Holiday Party taking place on December 1st.  You may register to attend on the club website, listed below, or by calling Ronnie. 

    As the club prepares to depart for Saba, the last overseas trip of 2022, we can look forward to what exciting trips await us in 2023.  

    While on an overseas trip, it's a perfect time to meet people in airports and on planes.  I like to engage travelers in conversation.  It's never a surprise when someone tells me they are a diver.  I politely hand them a USA business card and tell them a few facts about our club.  We have several members who were attracted to the club while on an overseas trip. They see the fun we have and that we are friendly, seasoned divers.  

    I encourage you to visit our home page  Please click on the calendar and keep up to date on all the diving and non-diving scheduled activities. You may also take a look at the photo gallery and take a peek at past events.

    I wish you all Happy Diving.

    Clare Anthon
    Hospitality Coordinator

  • August 20, 2022 2:06 PM | Julie Manhold (Administrator)

    Greetings from the Hospitality Hut,

    Without a meeting in September, I look forward to meeting some guests at our October General Membership meeting.    

    With October just around the corner, most of the country will be cooling down...but not Florida.  Our warm waters continue to lure divers in a southerly direction.  This gives us locals a great opportunity to keep our ears and eyes open for new member possibilities.

    Just the other day, as I started my most recent vacation, I discovered that my limo driver was a diver.  It only took a brief conversation before he was telling me about how much he loved the sport.  I always keep a supply of USA Dive Club business cards with me so I handed one to him and hope to see him sometime in the future.

    I encourage you to visit our home page  Please click on the calendar and keep up to date on all the diving and non-diving scheduled activities.  You may visit the photo gallery and take a peek at all of our past events.

    I wish you all Happy Diving.
    Clare Anthon - 
    Hospitality Coordinator

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