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  • July 31, 2018 7:06 PM | Anonymous

    On July 28, 2018, at 11:30 am, USA Dive Club members joined together at the base of the Hillsboro Inlet Lighthouse for a guided tour. 27 members of the club participated. The tour was led by 3 volunteers for the lighthouse, Ralph Krugler, Ben, and Bill. We learned about the history of the lighthouse and about the barefoot mailman.

    After climbing a 178 steps our group was rewarded to spectacular views of the inlet, the ocean, and the beaches. We were even able to see sharks and rays swimming outside the tide line.

    After the approximate one-hour tour, everyone met at Two Georges at the Cove for lunch. Four others from the club plus a guest from the Coast Guard Auxiliary, a friend of Jeanne and Lisa's, also joined us for lunch at Two Georges for a total of 32 people.

    The food and service at Two Georges was very good and we all enjoyed an appetizing lunch with a wonderful view of the intracoastal waterway.

    Thank you to all who participated,
    Alan Feuerman
    VP of Social Events

  • May 01, 2018 6:09 PM | Anonymous

    On Sunday, April 29th, USAers and friends gathered at the new iFLY indoor skydiving facility in Fort Lauderdale for a thrilling USA Dive Club social event.

    Appearing below is the list of tunnel flyers, each of whom enjoyed two tunnel flights, accompanied by an iFLY Instructor.  Next to each name is the exact time in the video clip where you can find each person’s first flight.  Just slide the time bar at the bottom of the video presentation to the different times for each individual tunnel flyer:

    • MaryAnn Braun 1:12
    • Jeanne Belus 3:14
    • Ethan Peltcs 5:25
    • Holden Price 7:36
    • Bobby Lucas 9:48
    • Patrice Marker 11:57
    • Kathi McCutcheon 14:13
    • Pat Schwab 16:47
    • Russ Manhold 19:00
    • Alan Feuerman 21:05
    • Frank Morgan 23:23
    • Roman Boszko 25:32

    Click on the link below to view the Vimeo video clip which runs for 28 minutes and 28 seconds.  The video is “high definition”, best when viewed full screen or on your computer or TV monitor.  Speakers on.

    Our USA tunnel flyers enjoyed a group lunch afterward at Ruby Tuesday located next to iFLY.

    Interested in making an indoor skydive?  Click here for more info.

    Please share this message with friends and family, and any other hearty souls who always wanted to experience the thrill of indoor skydiving.

  • October 25, 2017 9:29 AM | Roger Cooper (Administrator)

    On Sunday afternoon, October 22nd , Amy and I hosted a fun game day at our home. The party was kicked off with a welcome punch followed by a variety of great appetizers as well as a brunch-like selection of desserts. The house was filled with a lot of socializing as members shared their summer diving experiences, plans for diving next year, and recent activities. Eventually we organized ourselves into groups and participated in Pictionary, Chinese Rummy, and Backgammon. Twenty members attended.

  • August 31, 2017 1:38 PM | Phebe Young


    Dec. 7, 2017 - Annual Holiday Party  details at:

  • July 28, 2017 3:22 PM | Anonymous

    Independence Day Kickoff Party

    As promised – we had a truly excellent pool/cocktail party on July 1
    at the home of Eunice Hamblen. We learned many useful things:
    pool volley ball is really hard regardless of whether you’re swimming
    or floating in an inner tube; it is best to move the food indoors before
    engaging in a water gun shoot out; porch swings around the pool are
    a really good idea; beer is good (no, wait, we already knew that); we
    have some amazingly good cooks in this club (actually, knew that
    too)! It was great fun, and we thank Eunice for opening her home
    and pool to us.

    Pool Party

    Upcoming events include:


    1. Miniature Golf and Lunch or Dinner
      Where and when: open for suggestions miniature golf

    2. Game Night
      Roger Cooper/Amy Wellman have offered to open their home for an evening of board games and socializing. Of course, bring food and drink to share. game night

    3. Wine tasting
      Where and when: open for suggestions wine tasting

    4. Silverball Museum
      Classic pinball and arcade games, informal dining, wine and beer.$15/afternoon or evening, includes all games silverball

    5. Swamp Walk and lunch
      Park Ranger guided eco-walk through the Big Cypress Swamp, Ochopee, Florida. See swamp walk 1  swamp walk 2  swamp walk 3

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