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  • 2017 Holiday Party

2017 Holiday Party

  • December 07, 2017
  • 7:00 PM
  • Deerfield Beach Chamber of Commerce building, 1601 E. Hillsboro Blvd, Deerfield Beach 33441


The Under Sea Adventurers Annual Holiday Party

Thursday, December 7


Important New Details

Where:   Deerfield Beach Chamber of Commerce building, 1601 E. Hillsboro Blvd, Deerfield Beach 33441.  This is right across the street from the Cove Shopping Center on Hillsboro Blvd, just west of the bridge.

When:    Thursday, December 7, 2017 beginning at 7:00 pm.  (Regular monthly meeting date)

What:     Covered dish dinner.  We’ll have a brief business meeting to elect 2018 officers, a Lobster Pot drawing and then dinner and socializing.



  • DO NOT start eating right away. We need to be courteous of the people that have a long drive. Plus, we will have a brief business meeting. You can start with the appetizers and, of course, the drinks you are bringing.


  • We can only park on the Chamber's parking lot.
  • You can park on the north side of the building next to the Chamber. However, there are only a few spots there.
  • You can park on the west side of the  Chamber. As you drive in, turn left. We may have to double park there or next to the grass.
  • There is a public park to the east. DO NOT PARK TO THE EAST.


  • Ronny needs people to help set up tables (6 to 8 feet long) and put out chairs before the party. Then we will need to put the tables and chairs away after the party.


  • Ronny needs volunteers to help clean up after the party. We must mop the entry floor after the party. She suggests that the volunteers bring clothes to change into for cleaning. Ronny will be in charge of the bathrooms and the kitchen, but she cannot do the mopping. She will bring a mop from her house.


  • Ronny needs someone to bring toilet paper, paper towels, and large black garbage bags.


If you can help with anything, please let Ronny know. (

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