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Hospitality hut blog

  • March 23, 2019 12:14 PM | Clare Florio Anthon (Administrator)

    Greetings From The Hospitality Hut,

    I am very happy to report 4 first-time guests attended the March general meeting of the Under Sea Adventurers Dive Club.

    Members Julie and Russ invited Meg Perlman and her husband Doug Garr to attend the meeting.  Neither are scuba divers, however Doug is a sky diver.  Doug reported he has logged dozens of dives while cleaning the bottom of his dad's sailboat! He also has a favorite dive site, the Dive Bar on Broadway, NYC. Doug and Meg are a delight. Thank you for playing along!!

    Stephen Lee joined us for his first meeting.  Stephen was certified in 1971 in Lake Forest, IL.  He is a PADI instructor and has logged 100's of dives. SE Asia is his dream destination.  

    Member Jim Guld was accompanied by his nephew Brian Roebuck. Brain received his Rescue certification in 2017 in Jupiter.  So far he has logged 60 dives and his favorite is the Blue Heron Bridge.

    I encourage you to visit our home page  Please click on the calendar and keep up to date on all the diving and non-diving scheduled activities. You may also take a look at the photo gallery and take a peek at past events.

    I wish you all Happy Diving.

    Clare Anthon

    Hospitality Coordinator

  • February 21, 2019 6:45 PM | Clare Florio Anthon (Administrator)

    Greetings From The Hospitality Hut,

    I am pleased to report one first-time guest attended the February general meeting of the Under Sea Adventurers Dive Club.

    Wendy Humphrey, guest of Stephanie Voris, was certified in Fort Lauderdale back in 1998. Wendy is a rescue diver and has logged over 500 dives. She enjoys drift diving on walls and taking in all the wonderful sights. 

    I encourage you to visit our home page  Please click on the calendar and keep up to date on all the diving and non-diving scheduled activities. You may also take a look at the photo gallery and take a peek at past events.

    I wish you all Happy Diving.

    Clare Anthon

    Hospitality Coordinator

  • January 25, 2019 12:36 PM | Clare Florio Anthon (Administrator)

    Greetings From the Hospitality Hut,

    Unfortunately I have no first-time guests to report.  However, all the first-time guests, from previous months, have completed membership applications. Our numbers are growing!

    Please remember to greet guests and new members and introduce yourself to them.  Guests are easily spotted by the familiar "Hello My Name Is" tag.

    I encourage you to visit our home page  Please click on the calendar and keep up to date on all the diving and non-diving scheduled activities. You may also take a look at the photo gallery and take a peek at past events.

    I wish you all Happy Diving.

    Clare Anthon

    Hospitality Coordinator

  • December 27, 2018 5:55 PM | Clare Florio Anthon (Administrator)

    Happy New Year Greetings From The Hospitality Hut,

    Another year has come to a close and a bright New Year awaits. I hope 2019 is a great year for us all.

    I am pleased to report 2 first-time guests attended the December general meeting of the Under Sea Adventurers Dive Club.

    Roy Harrington heard about our club from a local dive operation.  He has been diving since 1981 and has logged hundreds of dives.  Roy submitted his membership application and at the December BoD meeting his membership was approved.  Welcome aboard Roy.

    Mary Kay Wiedeman accompanied Roy.  She is not a diver, however non-divers are welcome to join in on our busy social activities.

    I encourage you to visit our home page  Please click on the calendar and keep up to date on all the diving and non-diving scheduled activities. You may also take a look at the photo gallery and take a peek at past events.

    I wish you all Happy Diving.

    Clare Anthon

    Hospitality Coordinator

  • November 26, 2018 2:19 PM | Clare Florio Anthon (Administrator)

    Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!

    I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving full of family, friends and food.

    I am pleased to inform you we had 3 first-time guests at the November meeting of the Under Sea Adventurers Dive Club.

    Eric Delairue met some of us at the Museum of Discovery and Science social event in Fort Lauderdale.  Eric was certified in France in 1978 and has logged over 2000 dives.  He is a Dive Master and enjoys cave diving.

    While searching for a dive club, Cheryl and Dan Rosen found us on the Internet.

    Cheryl received her certification in Maryland. Since 2010 she has logged 350 dives. Dan was certified in Virginia and has 344 dives under his weight belt.

    I encourage you to visit our home page  Please click on the calendar and keep up to date on all the diving and non-diving scheduled activities. You may also take alook at the photo gallery and take a peek at past events.

    I wish you all Happy Diving.

    Clare Anthon

    Hospitality Coordinator

  • October 17, 2018 11:35 AM | Clare Florio Anthon (Administrator)

    Greetings From The Hospitality Hut!

    This month, I have good news and bad news!

    Bad news is there were no first-time guests to report.  However the good news is two former guests have submitted applications for membership.

    Eugene Ryvkin and Kimberly Lamaze will be approved at this month's BoD meeting. Be sure to welcome them.

    Until then, I encourage you to visit our home page  Please click on the calendar and keep up to date on all the diving and non-diving scheduled activities. You may also take a look at the photo gallery and take a peek at past events.

    I wish you all Happy Diving.

    Clare Florio Anthon

    Hospitality Coordinator

  • September 18, 2018 7:11 PM | Clare Florio Anthon (Administrator)

    Greetings From The Hospitality Hut!

    It is always a treat to see all your familiar faces at the general meetings. It is also a pleasure to see new faces.

    At the September general meeting of the USA Dive Club, I am happy to report there were two first-time guests.

    Maria Stengel was referred by member Tom S.  Maria was certified in 2012 in Lauderdale-By-The-Sea.  Her favorite dive is the Spiegel Grove.  She has logged 32 dives and is anxious to dive "anywhere new."

    Eugene Ryvkin found our club via the Internet. He was certified in 2002, on the west coast, in Monterey CA.  Eugene has over 200 dives and enjoys spearfishing. 

    Please be sure to say hello and introduce yourself when you see a guest. Our guests are easily spotted by the familiar "Guest Name Tag."

    I encourage you to visit the USA Dive Club home page  Please click on the calendar and keep up to date on all the diving and non-diving scheduled activities. You may also take a look at the photo gallery and see all the fun we have.

    I wish you all "Happy Diving."

    Clare  Florio Anthon

    Hospitality Coordinator

  • August 20, 2018 5:16 PM | Clare Florio Anthon (Administrator)

    Greetings From The Hospitality Hut!

    I am pleased to report two first-time guests attended the August general meeting of the USA Dive Club.

    Cintia Campos, a friendo a Ken's, is a PADI certified instructor.  She received her certification in 1986 and has logged over 200 dives. Cantia would like to visit the Philippines.

    Kimberly Lamaze was brought to the meeting by member Stephanie.  She is a Master Diver and has 290 dives under her weight belt. Kimberly would like to go on the Arenui Live-A-Board.

    Be sure and say hello when you see a new face at a meeting.  Feel free to show guests all the posters and sign up forms for Social and dive events. Make them feel welcome!!

    I encourage you to visit our home page  Please click on the calendar and keep up to date on all the diving and non-diving scheduled activities. You may also take a look at the photo gallery and take a peek at past events.

    I wish you all “Happy Diving”.

    Clare Anthon                                                                                                         Hospitality Coordinator

  • July 19, 2018 8:14 PM | Clare Florio Anthon (Administrator)

    Greetings From the Hospitality Hut,

    The "Dog Days" of summer are finally here .  Air and water temperatures are up. Unfortunately, the warm water is not healthy for our reefs.

    I have no guests to report for the July meeting.  Some months are slow as many people are vacationing.  

    Please be sure to tell your friends about our club and encourage them to attend a meeting.

    I encourage you to visit the USA Dive Club home page  Please click on the calendar and keep up to date on all the diving and non-diving scheduled activities. You may also take a look at the photo gallery and see all the fun we have above and under the water.  

    I wish you all "Happy Diving".

     Clare Anthon

    Hospitality Coordinator

  • June 20, 2018 8:47 PM | Clare Florio Anthon (Administrator)

    Greetings and Salutations!

    The June general meeting of the Under Sea Adventurers Dive Club was a huge success!

    Just as we were getting underway, a lovely couple arrived.  Faustino "Tino" Dina and his wife, Lulu, joined our very happy group!

    "Tino" is a brand new diver.  He was certified in 2018 and has logged 4 dives.  He received his certification in Tarpon Lagoon.  Lulu does not dive, yet.

    I encourage you to visit our home page  Please click on the calendar and keep up to date on all the diving and non-diving scheduled activities. You may also take a look at the photo gallery and take a peek at past events.

    I wish you all “Happy Diving”.

    Clare Anthon

    Hospitality Coordinator

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