Upcoming Overseas Dive Trips
by Nils Jacobsen
Please come to the meeting to get details about the trips being advertised for signups in 2020. You will be able to signup at this meeting.
- Little Cayman Beach Resort, June 27 - July 4, 2020
- Belize Aggressor, August 15 - 22, 2020
At the time of this writing, there is still a single male spot available for Fiji on the Nai'a liveaboard, March 14 - 21, 2020.
Keep these future trips in your mind and your calendar for planning purposes. Nils expects the Solomons trip to be opened for signups in March of 2020. He expects the Cayman Aggressor trip to be opened for signups in August of 2020.
- Solomons: Bilikiki liveaboard, May 22 - June 1
- Cayman Aggressor, July 10 - 17
- Raja Ampat/Triton Bay: Damai liveaboard, approx. March 13 - 24, 2023 (exact date to be determined later)