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July 2017 President's Waves

June 30, 2017 2:31 PM | Anonymous


So summer is finally here. Of course, for us, summer doesn’t bring the lifestyle changes that many of our “northern” friends experience. Still, the water is warmer, the attitude is more relaxed (if that’s even possible) and the club activities hit high gear. The overseas trip agenda for 2017 is more than halfway over already with two trips in the books (Truk and Little Cayman). Another group will be spending a week in Cozumel in August. What a wonderful way to relax and enjoy some really good diving with your fellow USA divers. If you haven’t made one of these trips, put it in your tickle file for next year! Not to be outdone, the local diving team has been enjoying warming waters and calming seas here in our own back yard. Additionally, at least one mini-trip is on the schedule already. Social events continue on a more relaxed schedule for the summer now that the in-water events have taken over. So there’s something for you, whatever your preference. Sign up, gear up and show up!

See you there.

Phebe Young

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