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  • January 29, 2018 1:03 PM | Eunice Hamblen

    Hello and Happy Valentines to all you divers!   We are happy to add two new members, Kamala Shadduck and Don Mordowanic to USA Divers.  Welcome to our fun club. Kamala is a new resident of South Florida and Don is an out of state member.  Our out of state membership is growing!  I have three new member applications from out of state to be presented to the next board meeting.  

    Members - Please remember to give me your dues.  $50 per individual and $90 for couples.  Do not make me beg!  Thank you.

    Remember guests are welcome to attend our general meetings the first Thursday of each month as well as our activities if accompanied by a member. We have a busy dive agenda as well as other fun activities such as kayaking, camping and other events our social chair, Alan,  discovers.  Enjoy, Eunice

  • December 19, 2017 5:13 PM | Eunice Hamblen

    Happy New Year!  It is 2018 and we are off adventure diving, kayaking, camping and whatever our Social Chairperson dreams up.  If you are a certified diver and want a great group to dive and play with, we are the club.  We have a wealth of experience diving locally and around the world as well as underwater photography and various other water skills.  We are very friendly to new members, so come join the fun.

    Guests are welcome to our general meetings.  Guests are also welcome to join our activities when accompanied by a member.  

    This is a reminder to our current membership that dues are due.  Please do not make me beg for your 2018 check.  Remember we are all volunteers in this club, so be kind to the volunteers!   Have a healthy and happy New Year.

    Best wishes, Eunice your "Volunteer Membership Chair"

  • December 03, 2017 6:18 PM | Eunice Hamblen

    Happy Holidays from USA Dive Club.  We have a new application from Kamala of Single Divers,  thank you Kamala.  We have our Club Christmas party this month and hopefully our members can all come and enjoy the good company and spirits.  We have had a great year of social activities and diving.  Come join this great group of folks who know how to have fun!

    If you are a first time visitor and certified diver and interested in joining our club, please find the Membership application on our web page, download, complete with a photocopy of your C-card and Insurance card.  Mail with a pro-rated amount from the application table plus the $10  to the membership chair.  Returning member does the same.

    Encourage friends and fellow divers to join USAer’s for all club activities. Guests are not required to be USA Dive Club members to participate in USA functions. Guests are always welcome when accompanied by a member.

  • October 18, 2017 3:24 PM | Eunice Hamblen

    Please join me in welcoming Brad from Texas to our club.  Brad attended the October general meeting and met many of our local members.   He was also witness to the excellent speaker for the evening.  You too can enjoy experienced speakers and great photography at our general meetings.  Come join the fun. 

    If you are a first time visitor and certified diver and interested in joining our club, please find the Membership application on our web page, download, complete with a photocopy of your C-card and Insurance card.  Mail with a pro-rated amount from the application table plus the $10  to the membership chair.  Returning member does the same.

    Encourage friends and fellow divers to join USAer’s for all club activities. Guests are not required to be USA Dive Club members to participate in USA functions. Guests are always welcome when accompanied by a member.

  • September 30, 2017 2:47 PM | Eunice Hamblen

    Hello USA Divers and want-to-bes.  I hope your homes survived Irma and you had power restored within that first week.  Let's hope for a very DRY October!  I look forward to meeting all the new members at October's general meeting.  We have one new membership application from Brad in Leander, TX.  Thank you Brad. 

    If you are a first time visitor and certified diver and interested in joining our club, please find the Membership application on our web page, download, complete with a photocopy of your C-card and Insurance card.  Mail with a pro-rated amount from the application table plus the $10 and mail to the membership chair.  Returning member does the same.

    Encourage friends and fellow divers to join USAer’s for all club activities. Guests are not required to be USA Dive Club members to participate in USA functions. Guests are always welcome when accompanied by a member.

  • August 28, 2017 4:49 PM | Eunice Hamblen

    Hello September Divers and hello new members Candy Hickman, Stephanie Voris, Abby Buckman, Zaher Hajar and George Oneill. I look forward to getting to know you. It is goliath grouper spawning season so get yourselves underwater to see these incredible creatures. Bring a friend and introduce them to our great dive club. Remember that guests are always welcome to our events with the sponsoring member. Our membership application can be downloaded from our home page. Please come to our general meeting and meet our friendly members. I will be just inside the door at the name badge table. Until then,  Eunice

  • July 28, 2017 3:02 PM | Anonymous

    We are very happy to announce the arrival of five (5) new members.  Thank you Ryan and Ronnie for your new member referrals.  Our new members are:

    Abby Buckman and Zahar Hajar, Stephanie Voris, Candy Hickman and George ONeill.  

    Welcome!  Please join us in all our fun activities and get to know our super members.  We look forward to getting to know you better.

    If you are a first time visitor and certified diver and interested in joining our club, please find the Membership application at the bottom of the home page.  Download & print, fill it out with a photo copy of your C-card and Insurance card, a check for the prorated amount on the application plus the initial fee of $10 and mail to the membership chair.   If you are a returning member, please do the same.  

    Encourage friends and fellow divers to join USAer’s for all club activities. Guests are not required to be USA Dive Club members to participate in USA functions. Guests are always welcome when accompanied by a member.

  • June 30, 2017 2:58 PM | Anonymous

    It is July and the water temperature is warm!  Dive Dive Dive!   I could not believe all the divers that showed up for the Deerfield Pier cleanup June 17th.  After which was a record breaking human underwater chain (that lasted way too long), but broke some records, they said. I hope some of those divers visit our web site and better still our general meeting this month.

    We have a pretty active dive season both with diving and other social activities.  Please bring a friend that would like to dive with some super people.  Bring them to our social gatherings as well.  We have a great group of people and the only way you will get to know them is to spend a little time, have a little fun and laugh a lot.

    If you are a first time visiter and certified diver and interested in joining our club, please find the Membership application at the bottom of the home page.  Download & print, fill it out with a photo copy of your C-card and Insurance card, a check for the prorated amount on the application plus the initial fee of $10 and mail to the membership chair.   If you are a returning member, please do the same.  

    Encourage friends and fellow divers to join USAer’s for all club activities. Guests are not required to be USA Dive Club members to participate in USA functions. Guests are always welcome when accompanied by a member.

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