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Membership blog

  • November 13, 2022 9:19 AM | Julie Manhold (Administrator)

    Amy Wellman is Newest Hall of Fame Inductee

    This month I would like to begin by congratulating Amy Wellman for becoming the USA Dive Club's newest Hall of Fame member.  Amy, along with her husband, Roger Cooper, joined USA in October 2009.  

    Right from the start, the couple became active in social events, local diving and overseas diving.  Through the years they have opened their home to the Board of Directors multiple times for meetings and holiday parties.  Amy has been a regular contributor to the USA Photo Gallery which displays many of her colorful underwater photos.

    Amy was elected USA's Secretary in January 2016 and has done an exemplary job in the position.  In order to attain Hall of Fame status, Amy served on the Board of Directors for a total of 84 months, or the equivalent of seven years.  

    Click on the 'CONTACT' button at the top of this page and take a look at the list of other current Hall of Fame members.  USA Dive Club includes an "In Memoriam" section to remember those Hall of Famers who have passed away. 

    The USA Dive Club welcomes Amy to the Hall of Fame and wishes her many more years of enjoyable experiences with the Club.

    As always, we invite you to browse through our extensive Photo Gallery to take a look at our social and diving activities.

  • October 17, 2022 11:39 AM | Julie Manhold (Administrator)

    Not only is Thanksgiving a time to spend with family, friends and loved ones, it's also a wonderful opportunity to meet new friends sitting at the Thanksgiving table.  Open a conversation about your scuba diving adventures.  Maybe mention that large, friendly grouper, the one that allowed you to approach closely enough to touch.  What about the out-of-season lobster that examined your mask with his antennae as you looked into his eyes?  Don't forget the fast-swimming shark that made your heart skip a beat.  

    You may discover that your new acquaintance is a SCUBA diver willing share adventurers... or a bubble watcher with aspirations of becoming a SCUBA diver.  It's fun to exchange "SCUBA" tales.  Be on the lookout for future dive buddies and invite them to join our Club.

    However you spend your Thanksgiving, have a safe and enjoyable day.

    As always, we invite you to browse through our extensive Photo Gallery to take a look at our social and diving activities.

  • September 05, 2022 1:58 PM | Julie Manhold (Administrator)

    As always, we invite you to browse through our extensive Photo Gallery to take a look at our social and diving activities.

  • August 02, 2022 5:08 PM | Julie Manhold (Administrator)

    As always, we invite you to browse through our extensive Photo Gallery to take a look at our social and diving activities.

  • July 20, 2022 5:40 PM | Julie Manhold (Administrator)

    Summertime.....and the divin' is easy.  What better way to beat the heat than to take the plunge into our beautiful Atlantic Ocean?


    Kerstin Ramstrom, USA's newest member did just that.  She found us on the Internet, and a few days after Kerstin joined the Club, she was on a local dive enjoying herself.  Certified in 2011 she has accumulated 160 dives, and enjoys sharks, nudibranchs and underwater photography.

    Magic Mountain, Raja Ampat was her most memorable dive with Cocos Island, Costa Rica on her "To Do List".   

    Please give Kerstin a warm USA Dive Club welcome if you see her at a meeting, social event or dive.

    As always, we invite you to browse through our extensive Photo Gallery to take a look at our social and diving activities

  • June 19, 2022 3:34 PM | Julie Manhold (Administrator)

    There will be no USA General Membership meeting in July due to the close proximity of the 4th of July holiday.   We wish all of you a safe and happy holiday celebrating the freedom of our country with family and friends.

    Who would have thought a routine visit to my dentist's office would result in a prospective new USA member?  I have had the same dental hygienist for a couple of years now, and the subject of scuba diving came up on this particular visit quite by accident.  She simply asked me if I had any vacation plans for the summer.  When I told her I had a SCUBA trip planned to Grand Cayman, her ears perked up and, to my surprise, she told me she was a SCUBA diver.  She asked lots of questions about our Club and seemed interested in attending a meeting and checking us out on our website.  

    It behooves us all to spread the word about our Club to people we meet on a daily basis.   There's always that chance of meeting our next USA Dive Club member.

    As always, we invite you to browse through our extensive Photo Gallery to take a look at our social and diving activities.

  • May 23, 2022 5:18 PM | Julie Manhold (Administrator)

    Now is the perfect time to sign up for a local dive and meet prospective USA Dive Club members.  They are all around us, just waiting to be invited... especially on local dives.    

    Ryan, VP of Local Diving, has a full schedule of local dives throughout the summer months and beyond.  Strike up a conversation with someone on the boat and invite him/her to visit our website or join us at a meeting.  

    In the meantime, consider joining your fellow members at our in-person General Membership meetings that are now being held at the Courtyard Marriott.  Have a bite with the "Bistro Bunch" before the meeting.  You'll be glad you did.

    As always, we invite you to browse through our extensive Photo Gallery to take a look at our social and diving activities.

  • April 23, 2022 3:02 PM | Julie Manhold (Administrator)

    Spring.....that time of year when a warm-water diver's fancy turns to diving.  Get the gear out, get it checked, and get on the boat. 

    Lureen Ferretti was a member in the past, has attended many USA local diving and social functions, and in April 2017, was a guest speaker at our Club with her presentation, "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly."


    She has too many memorable dives to mention and feels trips to the Galapagos Islands, French Polynesia and Malpelo Columbia would be great dive destinations the Club might consider in the future.  Lureen has accumulated more than 5,000 dives since she was certified in 1992.  We look forward to Lureen having fun with the Club in Fiji.  WELCOME BACK.

    Oh, and if you're lucky enough to still have your mom.....GIVE HER A CALL.  Mother's Day is Sunday, May 8th

    As always, we invite you to browse through our extensive Photo Gallery to take a look at our social and diving activities.

  • March 19, 2022 5:09 PM | Julie Manhold (Administrator)

    As always, we invite you to browse through our extensive Photo Gallery to take a look at our social and diving activities.

  • February 01, 2022 2:48 PM | Julie Manhold (Administrator)

    Elle Peltcs is no stranger to the USA Dive Club.  She is the lovely granddaughter of USA’s current Treasurer, Ronnie Farr, and the daughter of USA member, Eric Peltcs.  

    Ever since she was a little girl, Elle has been Ronnie’s guest on numerous USA Social Events.  Certified at the age of 12, she has been to the Florida Keys with the Club and is very comfortable in the water.  Diving the wreck of the Copenhagen was a memorable dive for Elle, and she dreams of diving in Fiji.  Other interests include swimming and working out.  

    Now 18 years of age, Elle currently has the distinction of being USA’s youngest member.

    Wayne Sullivan started diving before the days of C-cards. Wayne received his dive training in Cape Cod, MA and loved the sport so much that he became a NAUI instructor accumulating over 15,000 dives in his lifetime.  No longer instructing, he dives for the pure joy of the sport.  

    He enjoys photography and recalls the Cay Sal Banks as his favorite dive site.  Wayne also takes pleasure in boating.

    Please give our new members the good ole USA Dive Club welcome.

    As always, we invite you to browse through our extensive Photo Gallery to take a look at our social and diving activities.

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