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November Newsletter 2020

October 19, 2020 9:49 AM | Eunice Hamblen

Hello November Divers,

We have made it through another hurricane season unscathed.  Wish I could say the same about the pandemic.  Hopefully you all have been safe and well.

Fall is here and the winds are shifting. Several dives have been canceled due to sea conditions but the water temperature is still 81 and the lobsters are out there. We've had 4 new members since the pandemic started but looking forward to meeting in person again and meeting our new members face to face.

I have seen a few underwater pictures of you diving at a grouper gathering and at the Blue Heron bridge.  Several of our members took off for a kayak trip that covered some of the Central Florida Springs & rivers.   Staying in touch with the club virtually and exploring the outdoors are safe and rewarding activities.  Keep wearing your masks and join us for our online meetings.  Best wishes, Eunice & Stephanie your volunteer membership coordinators.

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