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Hospitality hut blog

  • May 23, 2020 6:49 PM | Clare Florio Anthon (Administrator)

    Hello From The Hospitality Hut!

    We have all been through some very hard months.  It has been a challenge but if we all keep paying attention and respect each other's space, we may soon be able to resume some form of "normal" life.

    Some of us continue to visit through ZOOM meetings, some on Face Time or other social media venues.  It is very important to keep in contact with friends and family at times like this, especially those who are alone.   

    Roger did invite the Club to a general meeting last moth.  It was nice to see those who could make the time to attend.  Hopefully more of you will be available for future meetings.

    I encourage you to visit our home page  Please click on the calendar and keep up to date on all the diving and non-diving scheduled activities. You may also take a look at the photo gallery and take a peek at past events.

    I wish you all Happy Diving and Stay Safe.

    Clare Anthon

    Hospitality Coordinator


  • April 20, 2020 2:09 PM | Clare Florio Anthon (Administrator)

    Greetings From Cabin Fever Central....aka The Hospitality Hut,

    First, I hope you are all well and staying safe.  

    We have all entered a whole new way of life.  Masks, gloves and disinfecting products are now on our shopping lists, and forget about toilet paper!! WOW.

    It is very important to find some form of staying social while social distanting. Some of us are using ZOOM for Happy Hour.  Others depend on text messaging and family Face Time.  It is hard to be alone during this time and I know many of us are. Please reach out and keep in touch with your family, friends and neighbors.

    I would like to give a HUGE "THANK YOU" to all of our Nurses, Fire Fighters, EMT crews, Police and all other public servants that have been on the front line of this deadly pandemic.

    On a lighter note,  I have been placing wine bottles in each room of my home so later on in the evening I can go "bar hopping".  

    Hopefully, things will be better soon and we will be able to resume some form of normal life.

    Warmest regards,

    Clare Anthon

    Hospitality Coordinator                                                                                                                                                                                                         

  • March 09, 2020 11:38 AM | Clare Florio Anthon (Administrator)

    Greetings From The Hospitality Hut,

    As I will be in FIJI when the Newsletter is published, I am submitting my article early.

    At the March general meeting of the Under Sea Adventurers Dive Club, I am pleased to report three first-time guests and two returning guests were in attendence.

    Mark Ficarra, son of members John and Kathy attended. Mark is not a diver, however he enjoys snorkeling with his Mom.  They are often spotted at the Hillsboro Inlet.

    It was a treat to see member Carol Schurtz accompanied by friend and diver John Beals.  John was certified in 1991 in Ft. Lauderdale and he now lives in North Carolina.

    Jessica Moses attended to promote a photography nature event.  These images can be taken underwater or in your back yard. Nature is all around us! Details to follow.

    It is a treat to see old friends too.  Pat Schwab joined the group for a great presentation!

    I encourage you to visit our home page  Please click on the calendar and keep up to date on all the diving and non-diving scheduled activities. You may also take a look at the photo gallery and take a peek at past events.

    I wish you all Happy Diving,

    Clare Anthon

    Hospitality Coordinator

  • February 26, 2020 11:46 AM | Clare Florio Anthon (Administrator)

    Greetings From The Hospitality Hut,

    I am very pleased to report one first-time guest attended the February general meeting.

    Shawn Chriswell found us on the Internet.  As Shawn is a newly certified diver in 2020, he is entitled to one FREE year of membership.  Shawn was certified in Deerfield Beach as an Open Water diver and he completed the Nitrox course as well.  Be sure to welcome him at upcoming meetings.

    I encourage you to visit our home page  Please click on the calendar and keep up to date on all the diving and non-diving scheduled activities. You may also take a look at the photo gallery and take a peek at past events.

    I wish you all Happy Diving.

    Clare Anthon

    Hospitality Coordinator

  • January 22, 2020 11:51 AM | Clare Florio Anthon (Administrator)

    Greetings From The Hospitality Hut,

    I truly enjoy greeting guests at our monthly meetings, especially when I get to introduce someone as interesting and talented as Edward Ivan Blackburn. I also feel it is a good way for guests to get acquainted with us.

    Edward found us on the Internet. He was researching dive clubs and lucky for us he found the Under Sea Adventurers Dive Club. He was certified in 2014 in Hickory, North Carolina. Edward's interests include sightseeing and the desire to learn to spearfish.

    Congratulations, Edward! Your membership was approved at our January BoD meeting. 

    Be sure to greet new guests and new members when you see them and please introduce yourself.

    I encourage you to visit our home page  Please click on the calendar and keep up to date on all the diving and non-diving scheduled activities. You may also take a look at the photo gallery and take a peek at past events.

    I wish you all Happy Diving.

    Clare Anthon

    Hospitality Coordinator

  • December 17, 2019 8:42 PM | Clare Florio Anthon (Administrator)

    Happy 2020 From The Hospitality Hut!

    I hope all my fellow members had a great New Year,  I certainly did!

    As we begin the New Year, it is time to start planning our next dive vacations. Please be sure to attend the January meeting and learn all about the upcoming trips.

    I encourage you to visit our home page  Please click on the calendar and keep up to date on all the diving and non-diving scheduled activities. You may also take a look at the photo gallery and take a peek at past events.

    I wish you all Happy Diving.

    Clare Anthon

    Hospitality Coordinator

  • November 22, 2019 9:19 AM | Clare Florio Anthon (Administrator)

    Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and Happy New Year From The Hospitality Hut, 

    I wish my fellow club members and their families all the best this Holiday Season. I look forward to seeing you in the New Year.

    At the November general meeting of the USA Dive Club, I am pleased to report 1 first-time guest and 1 blast from the past were in attendance.

    Marianne Radwan visited our club many years ago, too many to remember. Marianne was certified in 1984 and is a Rescue diver. She has logged "thousands" of dives.  As the evening progressed, she did recognize a few familiar faces.  Welcome back Marianne, hope to see you again.

    Merlin Walberg found our club online. She was certified in 2011 and is an Instructor. After being certified in North Carolin, Merlin has logged 450 dives.

    Be sure to greet our guests and introduce yourself. We should always make our guests feel welcome!! They are future members.

    I encourage you to visit our home page  Please click on the calendar and keep up to date on all the diving and non-diving scheduled activities. You may also take a look at the photo gallery and take a peek at past events.

    I wish you all Happy Diving.

    Clare Anthon

    Hospitality Coordinator

  • October 16, 2019 10:55 AM | Clare Florio Anthon (Administrator)

    Greetings From The Hospitality Hut!

    WOW, it's hard to believe the Holidays are upon us. I guess it's true, "Time flies when you are having fun."

    At the October general meeting of the Under Sea Adventurers Dive Club, I was pleased to introduce 2 first time guests.

    Dan Baeza, guest of member Daryl J, attended his first meeting.  Dan is an Instructor and has logged over 3500 dives! He has been diving since 1977. 

    Member Judy T was accompanied by guest Diane Courchesne. Diane has been diving since 1979. After many years out of the water, Diane is ready to get back to diving.

    Please be sure to say hello and welcome our guests when you see them at a meeting.

    I encourage you to visit our home page  Please click on the calendar and keep up to date on all the diving and non-diving scheduled activities. You may also take a look at the photo gallery and take a peek at past events.

    I wish you all Happy Diving.

    Clare Anthon

    Hospitality Coordinator

  • September 19, 2019 10:53 AM | Clare Florio Anthon (Administrator)

    Greetings From The Hospitality Hut!

    Unfortunately, the September general meeting was cancelled due to Hurricane Dorian.  Thankfully we were saved! Our neighbors in the Bahamas were not. 

    Hope to see you all at the October 3rd general meeting.

    In the meantime, I hope you are all safe and well.

    I encourage you to visit our home page  Please click on the calendar and keep up to date on all the diving and non-diving scheduled activities. You may also take a look at the photo gallery and take a peek at past events.

    I wish you all Happy Diving.

    Clare Anthon

    Hospitality Coordinator

  • August 25, 2019 3:11 PM | Clare Florio Anthon (Administrator)

    Greetings From The Hospitality Hut,

    It's always to treat to see a familiar face!  At the August general meeting of the Under Sea Adventurers Dive Club, that is exactly what happened.

    "Lindy" Bob Lindemuth attended the meeting.  Hopefully he has his membership details in order and will continue to join us.

    I had the pleasure of introducing the youngest guest to date.  Gabby Crisanto, daughter of member Sarah, attended her first meeting.  What a cutie!

    I encourage you to visit our home page  Please click on the calendar and keep up to date on all the diving and non-diving scheduled activities. You may also take a look at the photo gallery and take a peek at past events.

    I wish you all Happy Diving,

    Clare Anthon

    Hospitality Coordinator

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