Greetings From Cabin Fever Central....aka The Hospitality Hut,
First, I hope you are all well and staying safe.
We have all entered a whole new way of life. Masks, gloves and disinfecting products are now on our shopping lists, and forget about toilet paper!! WOW.
It is very important to find some form of staying social while social distanting. Some of us are using ZOOM for Happy Hour. Others depend on text messaging and family Face Time. It is hard to be alone during this time and I know many of us are. Please reach out and keep in touch with your family, friends and neighbors.
I would like to give a HUGE "THANK YOU" to all of our Nurses, Fire Fighters, EMT crews, Police and all other public servants that have been on the front line of this deadly pandemic.
On a lighter note, I have been placing wine bottles in each room of my home so later on in the evening I can go "bar hopping".
Hopefully, things will be better soon and we will be able to resume some form of normal life.
Warmest regards,
Clare Anthon
Hospitality Coordinator