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  • October Board of Directors Meeting

October Board of Directors Meeting

  • October 17, 2024
  • 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM
  • Zoom

The USA Dive Club Board of Directors will have a virtual meeting using Zoom.

The following is the link.

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing the link you will need to click in order to join the meeting. You must register before 5:00 PM on the day of the meeting.

Please join the meeting at least five minutes early to allow time to admit people from the waiting room before the meeting starts.

Meeting Ground Rules:

  • Keeping your mic muted while listening is common courtesy for meetings over 8-10 attendees.
  • This is a business meeting for the purpose of allowing Board members to do the work of the Club in a restricted amount of time. Guests are to remain silent unless a question is directed to them. Hosts may mute or remove quests that violate this rule.
  • Anyone can use Chat to send questions and comments during the meeting. Civility is required.

Agenda - Details To Be Determined

  1. Call to Order
  2. Roll Call -- Secretary
  3. Motions to approve Minutes as distributed by Secretary
  4. Old Business
    1.  BoD Election Slate of Officers
      1. Published in October Newsletter
      2. All currently elected officers agreed to continue to serve
    2. Meeting Location Options 2025
      1.  Boca Raton Community Center
      2. Palm Beach Hilton
    3. 4th of July event

  5. New Business
  6. Reports
    1. President (Chris Hardham) - Absent Truk Lagoon
    2. VP of Programs (Rick Dayan)
    3. VP of Overseas Diving (Nils Jacobsen)
    4. VP of Local Diving (Ryan Goheen)
    5. VP of Social Events (Lureen Ferretti) - Absent Truk Lagoon
    6. Secretary (Amy Wellman)
    7. Treasurer (Ronnie Farr)
    8. Hospitality (Clare Anthon)
    9. Membership (Julie Manhold)
      Photo Gallery Coordinator
      (Julie Manhold)
    10. Photographer (Laura Moran)
      Social Media Coordinator (Laura Moran)
    11. Newsletter (Roger Cooper)
    12. Education Coordinator (Howard Ratsch)
    13. Historian (Robert Shearer)
  7. Adjournment

All members are welcome to attend Board of Directors meetings as observers.

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