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  • June 17th with Loggerhead, 10 spots, $80 at 8am

June 17th with Loggerhead, 10 spots, $80 at 8am

  • June 17, 2023
  • 7:30 AM - 12:30 PM
  • 728 Casa Loma Blvd, Boynton Beach

Dive Details:  Please arrive no later than 7:30 am to unload your car, park, and board the boat for an 8 am departure

2 tank boat dive on a two Reefs (Average depths 115 ft. / 40 ft.). 

Updated waiver link:  Loggerhead Waiver

Gear needs: If you require tanks or other gear contact boat to reserve, these fees are paid directly to boat.

Trip Cost: $ 80.00 - You have payment options, though we prefer that you use Zelle if it is available to you.

1) If your financial institution allows you to send money using Zelle, you can send your payment to Just be sure to say what the payment is for in the memo.

2) You could set up USA Dive Club as a payee in your bank's payment system and have your bank send payments. Then you don't have to keep writing and mailing checks.

3) Or, if you are still writing checks, you can make out a personal check to "USA Dive Club" and mail it to Ronnie Farr, our club Treasurer. Or you can bring your check to a meeting and hand it to the event organizer. 

Boat Requirement:  All divers need a Signal Sausage, Dive Computer or other Timing Device. 

Misc: Any questions please contact trip leader.

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