SABA: 2022, OCTOBER 8 – 15
DEMA special = 1 free afternoon dive

Come join fellow Under Sea Adventurers on a fabulous journey to the unspoiled queen island of Saba. Previously Saba was most often accessed from a live aboard boat due to the small not easily accessible airport that is widely acknowledged as the smallest airport in the world. Now there is a high speed ferry from St Marteen so we can take a jet and then the ferry. No concerns for the world’s smallest airport or if all baggage makes the flights.

Spend a relaxing week at the Hotel Saba Arawak a brand new deluxe hotel. We have a meal package that includes eating at different local restaurants around the island to support these restaurants and give us a variety of locations and cuisine.
We will be driven from the hotel to the dive boat every morning to experience unspoiled diving with great access.
Divers don’t have to lug gear every day from their rooms or even onto the boat. Your gear will be collected once you arrive and stored at the boat. You set up your gear the first day on the boat and after that, the crew set up your gear and change your tanks for you. When we get to the boat, our gear will be ready to go diving.
Chris will be your trip leader. The trip starts at Miami airport, then to Saint
Marteen and then the ferry to Saba. Airfare hasn’t been finalized since some airlines aren’t booking for October yet.
All travelers must be vaccinated, The following is what is included in our package:
- Hotel Accommodations at Saba Arawak Hotel
- Breakfast every day at the hotel
- Two (2) dinners at the hotel and a to go lunch(for the afternoon dive)
- Dine around meal plan -- This provides us with 5 additional diners around the island
- 2 tank morning dives for 5 days
- 1 tank afternoon dive DEMA special at no addl cost
- Additional dives will be available for purchase
Items excluded are: Airfare, ferry, excursions, nitrox ($59), and marine park fees ($49)
Interested in cutting down on your luggage fees – Chris does have a price list for rental gear …
It’s always wise to purchase travel insurance for any trip. Here are a few links you can use if interested: - a National geographic favorite a diver’s favorite
To see some photos from prior trip – go to: - 2011 Overseas Diving – Caribbean Explorer II Liveaboard Saba
Trip Prices / payment schedule:
As always, please contact me (Nils) with any comments, questions or concerns. Or reach out to Trip Leader
Chris Hardham
The following link is the XRay Magazine Article as a PDF
Trip details - in pdf
Click here to download the signup form. or call Ronnie or Nils