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  • January General Meeting

January General Meeting

  • January 06, 2022
  • 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM (EST)
  • Zoom meeting

USA Dive Club members and their guests are invited to attend either an in person meeting or a virtual meeting using Zoom.

The IN PERSON MEETING will be held at our new location:

Hampton Inn
720 E Cypress Creek Rd
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33334

Last month we were alerted that Twin Peaks on Andrews is open and a couple of our members went for dinner and drinks before the meeting. If anybody is interested, this is the place to meet before the meeting.

Out of caution,we ask participants of the live meeting to be vaccinated and to wear a mask out of consideration of our other members.

To Attend the ZOOM MEETING:

You must register in advance for this meeting. Click on the link below to register. Members bringing a guest should send the guest's name and email address to so the guest's registration will be approved. Members and guests must register using this link.

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing the link to click when it is time to join the meeting. You must register before 5:00 PM on the day of the meeting.

Please join the meeting a little early to allow time to admit people from the waiting room before the meeting starts.

We will start the meeting with 10 minutes of social time so we can catch up with our friends. Then we will turn the meeting over to our speaker.


Shipwreck Park was established in 2014 for the purpose of creating an artificial reef system off the coast of Broward County, Florida.  It was incorporated and received 501 (c) (3) status in 2015.  The organization has acquired and deployed two vessels since then off the coast of Broward County.  The first was the 324ft Newtown Creek rechristened the Lady Luck in July of 2016 and the second a 103ft tugboat Okinawa in August of 2017. Since inception Shipwreck Park has raised Jay Underkofler$979,000 in donations and spent $956,000 on the deployment of the two vessels and the exploration of new projects. Shipwreck Park is all volunteer organization.

Jay Underkofler will be talking on the current Wahoo Bay project, taking place at the Hillsboro inlet.


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