Upcoming trips 2024:
- BVI (British Virgin Islands): Aggressor liveaboard - May 11-18, 2024 - 2 single spots left - male and female - first come basis - limited time left
- Solomon Islands: Bilikiki live aboard, New dates: July 23 - Aug 2, 2024
- The trip was just moved one day later to fit the Fiji Air - 3 times a week, only schedule - into Solomon Islands
- The cost has gone up $500 - compared to the original Covid-19 delayed trip from 3 years ago. Fiji Air cost are expected to stay close to the original quote
- We will start to look at land based extensions before Bilikiki - as a group or individually - say Fiji...
- We have found two good land based extensions in PNG - for a week after Bilikiki...
- PS: priority will be given to divers signed up for any of the Covid-19 cancelled dates (2021-2022)
- At this time Nils wants to hear from everybody interested...
- You can read the original paperwork - everything but the dates and prices remains accurate
Little Cayman Beach Resort July 6-13, 2023 - to be announced in Sept or October